Activity Forums CrazyCajun Memorial Dollspital For those of you who don't know who CrazyCajun was

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Caja 3 years, 6 months ago
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    • #10833

      • Posts 16

      My intent here isn’t to turn this section into a memorial for CrazyCajun, but to inform those who may not know why DB chose to honor him in such a manner. Please do not start a new post in this section to respond to this one.

      I had the distinct privilege of sharing a weekend with him as well as others in DB at a fantastic South Texas Doll Meet years ago (no, he’s not from Texas, but drove to it from his home a state away). When I arrived, I didn’t know the host was not at home, and it was he who, upon my knocking, opened the front door ever so slightly and peered out. As soon as I announced I was there for the doll meet, the door swung wide open and he gave me the warmest smile I’ve ever seen. Later that night he made us a homemade special Cajun meal that was outworldly. CrazyCajun was a true doller. He was non-judgemental, an absolute friend to all, and I sincerely thank DB for their thoughtfulness.

      Obviously, this has struck a cord with me. I am very saddened by the early passing of our friend, as well as a recognized legend in our community. It’s my hope that as new, younger dollers arrive, that they’ll read this post and grasp that this isn’t only a hobby, but for many a lifestyle. That certain people blazed a trail in that these inanimate beings we bring into our lives become our lives and therefore are no longer inanimate; they’re family, and should be loved and cared for as such. CrazyCajun was such a doller. He was smart, innovative, and pushed us all to think outside the box. I KNOW there’s others here who knew him better than I, and I don’t wish for mine to be the last word. There’s a reason DB named this section after him, so please, if you wish to contribute here (and I encourage you to do so), post a memory here following mine so that those who wish to understand may.

    • #10835

      • Posts 56

      I may be incorrect, but his passing was on April 2, 2018. I do not know how, but that does not matter.

      He was becoming a friend to me on TDF. I came across his posts about hand repair/replacement. Because my LuLu had broken digits. So I messaged him.

      His reply was prompt and honest.  Since my doll has wired wrists (which I do not think are so bad)  He really could not help too much. Being a newbie I thought he was an expert though. But truthfully he was not. He was just learning many things like a lot of people. And learning by doing, not talking. This makes all the difference. There are many people on the forums who just talk. But give the impression of being experts 🙂 I’ve not found their info very useful. lol

      CC was not like this. he thanked me for documenting my repair, and giving measurements and type of doll the repair was done to.  He started following some of my posts. This is how friendships evolve.

      But in most cases when a problem comes, we are basically on our own. And CC did state this.  Truth bar none.

      I’ve spent a lot of time with coming up with an adhesive. One mix is absolutely powerful. It’s holding power is super strong. And is so easy to make. Sort of discovered it by accident. It is pointless sharing it on the “mainstream” forums. Because there are those who want to make a buck, and scoff at those who think outside the box.

      CC did not spread the fear like so many do on other places. Since reading proper textbooks on polymers, those spreading these type of fears are busted and quite wrong in many things. 🙂 Propaganda so as to make a buck, feeding on the gullible and hypochondriacs!

      Thanks for the help CC, it introduced me to repairs. For those interested, search Google for “April Atleur” you’ll find some good videos.


    • #10890

      • Posts 170

      Hey all, Rainy here… I’m borrowing Eva’s account…

      I never got to meet him, or have post exchanges, I was still feeling my way around “the big board” I did run across Miss Atleur’s site, and CC’s video collection.

      Then without warning, before I could ever ask him anything, or get to know him.. He was gone. Just like that. Watching and seeing his contribution and experimentation here in the doll world, Inspired me as well to attempt my own repairs.

      I was even rumored that WM created a hinged neck off of his design that he used to replace the broken goose neck with in a video on one of his. The world may never know.

      So many questions I had, so many I will never get answered now.

      I and Lu thought that it would be fitting to name this as db’s memorial to Crazy Cajun.

    • #10894

      • Posts 56

      Hey all, Rainy here… I’m borrowing Eva’s account… I never got to meet him, or have post exchanges, I was still feeling my way around “the big board” I did run across Miss Atleur’s site, and CC’s video collection. Then without warning, before I could ever ask him anything, or get to know him.. He was gone. Just like that. Watching and seeing his contribution and experimentation here in the doll world, Inspired me as well to attempt my own repairs. I was even rumored that WM created a hinged neck off of his design that he used to replace the broken goose neck with in a video on one of his. The world may never know. So many questions I had, so many I will never get answered now. I and Lu thought that it would be fitting to name this as db’s memorial to Crazy Cajun.

      For a guy who had a short time experience in the hobby, he seemed knowledgeable enough.

      The biggest thing was he was not afraid to do it!! Plan it out and do it!! This is what separates the surgeons from the wimps hahahahaha Crying about problems wont solve ’em hahahaha I’m probably labelled an asshole for some of my posts, but that’s ok by me. I’m just sharing what I think, and what I have learned by doing things. And reading the texts written by people in the polymer biz. Not the doll biz 🙂

      I’ve yet to “destroy” my doll in the name of research 🙂

      Maybe Crazycajun would think I’m an asshole…. hahahaha I’d just say “Yes I am” to that 🙂


    • #12336

      Fantastic Plastic
      • Posts 21

      CC and I would PM each other quite a bit on the other forums.

      It was when I had purchased a doll from an AliExpress seller he had responded by saying the he himself had good experiences with them.

      That was on Our Doll Community, he passed just days after that post.

      Sad times…


    • #17430

      • Posts 4

      What can I say? I know Crazy Cajun only from his video’s on Youtube and he helped my companion a lot by becoming a kind of Doll surgeon. Lster I heard he wasn’t ‘there’  any longer and I felt sorry. For he seemed a really nice guy.

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