Activity Forums Z Archives Ugly Times New Roman goes Bye Bye!

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2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 6 years, 3 months ago
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    • #224

      • Posts 170

      Hi, all If you can’t stand Times New Roman like me, then here’s a trick to help

      in your browser settings look for fonts.. the fonts we use are Lato, Arimo

      or you can set it to your favorite font. Just be aware that this will change your font for ALL sites.

      works on Chrome, and Fire Fox. Did not test on IE or Edge, as I do not use those.
      its just the little things that bug me!

    • #233

      • Posts 136

      I have to chime in for us Linux users… (me and @daphnetilbrook for certain)

      In Ubuntu there is a meta-package called ubuntu-restricted-extras which installs ttf-mscorefonts-installer. You can install one or the other. (ttf-mscorefonts-installer is a dependency of ubuntu-restricted-extras but the former also installs multimedia codecs… but that’s completely O/T here.)

      So, fire up your terminal and type sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras or sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer (or fire up your Software Center and install one or the other… if you install both, it’s not a problem… just I don’t like extra redundancy 😉 and the latter depends upon the former.)

      Debian users… even though Ubuntu is based upon your favorite distro, you need to make sure the non-free repository is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list

      (It should look like this:)
      deb stretch main contrib non-free

      run sudo apt update then install ttf-mscorefonts-installer like above.

      I do know that, for Fedora users, it’s in the RPMFusion repos… consult the RPMFusion website for details on how to configure it.

    • #289

      • Posts 170

      I had the fonts installed on my PC but the browser defaults were Times New Roman.. Uggh hated them.
      I don’t know how the other OSes handle them but I got mine fixed he he

      Thanks for the Linux update!

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