Register Forums Z Archives 1 minute posting rule ?

7 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years, 8 months ago
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    • #2184

      Dutch Dance Maniac
      • Posts 1,293

      Hi Site Admins / Moderators.

      I want to lose this because this is bothering me.

      Can something be done about the 1 minute posting rule, I understand that this is to keep flooders out, but the way I have to work now is really bad. 😥
      First I have to upload the photos to the previously created folder in my account, then copy the URLs and post them in the reply’s in the appropriate topic.

      I have put 1.5 hours of time in posting the photos and 30 minutes for uploading & copying the photo urls. Total 2 hours of time for posting 39 pics. This is crazy in my eye’s becouse normal i only need 5 / 10 minutes to do that.

      Timea – PhotoShoot Sessions — Portefolio Past & Present.

      Picture Set 001 – Timea’s Table Adventures.

      All this takes me hours of time to upload a littlebit.
      You understand (hopefully) that I do not have the time to spend hours posting some new photo set material.

      I therefore ask for the rule to be removed from flooding in my account……. Otherwise I do not know if I still want to continue posting here on DB, Then I will work on my own private website.
      ll freedom of posting without rules and time limits.

      Please Don’t forget:
      I do all this for you to get this site lively so I also ask for a small cooperation / adaptation of my posting freedom.
      You know what you have to me …….. At least I hope so.

      I already put a lot of time into making the photo sets and it has to be nice.

      Thank you for the understanding and possible cooperation.
      Greetings DDM.

      However Unreal This May Be, We Are Connected.... You And I.
      We Are On The Same Curve, Point Of All Is:
      We Share The Same Secret .... We Love Our Doll (s) And Our LifeStyle.
      That Makes Us Who We Really Are....... Pure, Loving and Caring...... Welcome Into Our World.

      Life Is Like A Never Ending Dance, Let The Music Play !!!

    • #2206

      • Posts 172

      Hi DDM,


      Yes, That’s why we have not officially launched… You just found something very important that needs to be addressed!

      I will adjust Wordfence.  I understand creating content and the desire to upload in an efficient manor.  Yes it should not take long to do that.

      I can say the 5 pic rule is because of the storage compression system. 5 is all it can handle or the whole thing freezes.

      I am looking into the 1 min rule as I type this now… 1 moment


      OK  you should not be fixed. Please Let me know if there is any more problems.

      The Staff and I really appreciate your efforts and hard work here uploading and creating.


      We also apologize for the delays, We are a small crew, starting out. We are spread in Time Zones.

      And also, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are content driven. No need for potholes and roadblocks!


      <3 Eva





    • #2235

      • Posts 4

      Hi there DDM,

      Many thanks for these priceless feedbacks!

      We have increased the posting throttling time, it should be much better now. Any issue persisting here still, kindly let us know!

      We have also increased the bulk number of pictures that you can upload at once. But it does take time. Any websites running on WordPress or a few other CMS in general, you should avoid uploading more than 5-10 pictures per batch, which is a safe range not to crash the server temporarily, unless you are using an FTP.

      This also depends on your server size, which is not yet that big for Dollsbook. We must therefore allocate resources carefully and have to set limits. If not attackers could steal the allocation of these resources through DDOS attacks for example, and exhaust the server on a regular basis, making the overall user experience slower and not as good either.

      Look at Twitter for example, you can tweet 5 pictures at once maximum.

      Your content creation is very valuable, and we thank you for your active participation and great writing.

      In itself, given how content/media rich each of your post is, it is considered as blogging, which does takes time. Putting together a webpage, an article, a post does take time! 🙂

      We have looked at what could be the best way for you to upload these files or to link to another picture.

      The editor in forums should support HTML for your current user role, could you please confirm?

      If so, you can simply:

      1. Upload your pictures per batch of now 10 each time, on your albums area
      2. To embed it into a post, simply right click and select “copy image address”
      3. Then go to the tab where your forum reply is, and simply paste the image there.

      If I understood correctly, this should speed up the whole process greatly? And you do not have to re-upload media content twice either.

      Let me know if you need a video tutorial. Thank you for your kind confirmation on the above

      Best regards

    • #2250

      Dutch Dance Maniac
      • Posts 1,293

      I will keep you informed about the state of affairs regarding the uploading and posting of new material.

      I am confident that we can find the right configuration to get the forum software and hardware adjusted as well as possible.


      With everything on the planning, it is no different that this will soon become a beautiful society with only people who have real passion for what they do and life with a doll in general.
      We are a separate species that fights for its existence and acceptance by society and I am proud to be part of it, now and in the future.
      It is the brave of us who change things.

      So with this my feedback,  Timea and I wish you a nice Sunday and let us put our shoulders under it to make this our paradise. 😀 

      Greetings DDM & TIMEA. 🙂

      However Unreal This May Be, We Are Connected.... You And I.
      We Are On The Same Curve, Point Of All Is:
      We Share The Same Secret .... We Love Our Doll (s) And Our LifeStyle.
      That Makes Us Who We Really Are....... Pure, Loving and Caring...... Welcome Into Our World.

      Life Is Like A Never Ending Dance, Let The Music Play !!!

    • #2257

      • Posts 172

      YAY!!! Glad we could get it whipped into shape!!

      Always Remember,


    • #2620

      Dutch Dance Maniac
      • Posts 1,293

      I am sorry to have to report it but the posting is unfortunately worse than at the first time, I do not get a picture posted in close succession, whether I post 1 photo per reply or 5 opposite, the system keeps on one or another way outside closed.
      The upload of the photos is now fine, 5 opposed to 1 upload but posting it there is the problem.
      I am now  40 minutes busy getting only 2 pictures posted.

      I posted the first photo on November 21, 2018 at 6:07 pm. this went again after a long wait for the intro post.
      The 2nd picture I just posted at November 21, 2018 at 6:27 pm by means of a reply.
      There is a good 20 minutes between me that I can do the next reply again.  The system does not allow it. 😥

      Please take a look at here at the times of the posted reply’s and everything will be clear.


      Somewhere in the software / hardware something goes wrong, unfortunately, are there more members who experience this problem? or am I the only one who experiences this. ?
      Then we know where to look where the problem lies.

      I experience it now that I want to post this reply, I have to wait 20 minutes before I can post it.   November 21, 2018 at 6:47 pm i can post this message.

      I have to go to bed now and can not finish the photo set unfortunately, in a few hours a new working day is waiting. <span title=”Ik ben al veel langer op gebleven om dit probleem duidelijk uit te leggen uit liefde voor onze site.
      I have stayed up a lot longer to explain this problem clearly for the love of our site.

      Unfortunately, I do not have the time to spend hours posting 1 single photo set, let alone thinking about what I have to post to photo sets in the future that will cost me weeks in this way.



      However Unreal This May Be, We Are Connected.... You And I.
      We Are On The Same Curve, Point Of All Is:
      We Share The Same Secret .... We Love Our Doll (s) And Our LifeStyle.
      That Makes Us Who We Really Are....... Pure, Loving and Caring...... Welcome Into Our World.

      Life Is Like A Never Ending Dance, Let The Music Play !!!

    • #2958

      Dutch Dance Maniac
      • Posts 1,293

      Everything is running smoothly in terms of settings.  😀

      I have no problems anymore with posting posts and the loading of the pages is also running fast. 😀

      However Unreal This May Be, We Are Connected.... You And I.
      We Are On The Same Curve, Point Of All Is:
      We Share The Same Secret .... We Love Our Doll (s) And Our LifeStyle.
      That Makes Us Who We Really Are....... Pure, Loving and Caring...... Welcome Into Our World.

      Life Is Like A Never Ending Dance, Let The Music Play !!!

    • #3014

      • Posts 172

      That is wonderful DDM!

      We are glad it is smooth now!

      Sort of like combing hair. must remove the tangles first! else… OUCH! he he



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