Register Forums Z Archives Bought a DSLR camera… will arrive soon.

11 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 11 months ago
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    • #12092

      • Posts 27

      Bought an entry level Nikon DSLR camera. Will be shipped soon. Not much of a photo buff, and have never used one. So a newbie besides the point and shoot cameras. These pics of LuAnne are taken from an Android phone app called “A Better Camera App” and stock built in.

      Does a nicer job then the built in camera on phone. Will compare results with the DSLR when it comes. Bought the Nikon D3400 DSLR, anyone have any thoughts? I can always resell if it was a waste of dough. Pricey the DSLR cameras are. But this camera was a better deal than many older cameras sold on Ebay. It is only 2 to 3 years old from release date. People trying to sell 10+ year old DSLR’s for what I’d paid for one that is 2-3 years old. Hope I wont regret.

      This photo taken with the “better camera app”

      Next, taken with stock camera, android phone…. grainy issues galore!

      Another stock android camera pic….

      Next, Bella Gucci taken with the Better camera App….

      Will compare shots soon with a better quality camera once it arrives. This purchase of a camera may help me keep interested in fighting getting LuAnne dressed up and modeled. One shoot we did last year, we changed her clothing about 8 times in the matter

      of 90 minutes, while shooting a whole pile of pics. In that short time she was overworked, and so was I. The result of all that work was she ended up with 2 busted fingers :). We got her all fixed and fingers more durable for pic shooting sessions LOL

      Been a while since LuLu has modeled.  We need to get her Irish look with those sparkling green eyes 🙂

      Shows how much a green photographer I am. Taken with the “better camera app” messed up all the settings as usual 🙂




    • #12095

      • Posts 27

      2 hours went by and the price was increased 25%. I paid $279.99. Now it’s $349.99. Listing states “open box” but I did question seller if it is all complete. They stated it is. Feedback is 99.8% so I am not worried. But to increase the price that much? They list on Amazon Canada 650 bucks roughly (used-like new). Amazon US 299. For what I paid, some are selling just the body, and no lens for that… I hope I get a lens, otherwise it’s a useless buy…. ahhahaha  Now I’m getting worried. Open boxed items should be pictured with real pics, not stock stuff. This will be my defense if I need to dispute LOL

      Not just doll sellers using stock photos and bad descriptions….

      Just thought the price increase was hilarious too.  Price wars? or just greed?

    • #12218

      • Posts 27

      Camera arrived yesterday. It has been a while since I’ve bought newer tech. Must say the build qualities of tech these days is getting cheaper. The camera is fairly light. If dropped it feels as though it would not stand up to much abuse. Lots of bells and whistles I have no clue to use 🙂 Of course they do not come with a memory card, will have to pick up one. Plus, they do not even come with a USB cable to transfer to PC. I set up the bluetooth app to transfer to phone, it paired ok, then when turning off camera, and then on again later it’ll not pair. I prefer USB transfer anyway, so my phone USB cable will fit, but not sure yet if it will work LOL. Camera is in very nice shape though for opened boxed item. Not sure if it keeps record of shutter clicks to see how much it was used.

      The shutter even sounds cheap. Product of Japan, made in Taiwan. The picture of camera on the box looks much nicer than the camera LOL Reminds me of something 🙂

      We’ll see once we get a basic system down on the use of it. Absolute newbie! Must do some research. It’s said by one photographer youtube video guy, that a person with little skill can take a high priced pro camera and end up with blah pics. Whereas an experienced person can take a cheap model and get nice results.

      I handed my cheap 35mm camera to the photographer at my buddies wedding years ago. And when I got the film developed, I was impressed of the quality he did compared to what I snapped… same camera. LOL.

    • #12221

      • Posts 27

      Not bad for a humble beginning. Low light results isn’t terrible.


      Now will be able to see all my defects of makeup and other things am not so good at. 🙂 Had to upload a photo to a site, and it reads the EXIF data to give the shutter actuation count. It read 56. So not a bad deal at all. Not used much at all. If I don’t break it, this camera should last years!!



    • #12227

      (Mayor) Julia Jameson
      • Posts 213

      Wow, judging from just those two photos it looks very good so far. Lot’s of definition in the low light shot with minimal graininess and I like how it still picked up highlights in Lu’s hair. The other photo shows lots of depth and detail. I think you got a good deal and once you start playing with the settings you should be able to do lots of cool photo shoots.

      "Woman is a miracle of divine contradictions." unknown

      The unofficial Mayor of the Dollyverse always "Making DollsBook Great"

    • #12230

      • Posts 27

      Wow, judging from just those two photos it looks very good so far. Lot’s of definition in the low light shot with minimal graininess and I like how it still picked up highlights in Lu’s hair. The other photo shows lots of depth and detail. I think you got a good deal and once you start playing with the settings you should be able to do lots of cool photo shoots.

      I’ve had to reset camera to default a few times by messing up settings 🙂  yes, it looks like it picks up every little speck of debris, every little thing. I am going to shoot RAW images. I’ve never had the pleasure to see a digital pic in all it’s glory. Only ever had jpeg images.

      Editing the raw image in photoshop is quite cool.  Can tweak it quite good.

    • #12283

      • Posts 27

    • #12285

      • Posts 27

    • #12288

      • Posts 27

      More practice needed…

    • #12290

      • Posts 27

    • #12473

      • Posts 27

      A bit of a sponge bath for LuLu. The powder lifts just fine with warm water. She does not get all that dirty anyway. Just the damn specks of whatever.

      For 30 bucks, cannot complain. The auto focus works well. No jamming.

      Comparing both lenses. It is not so bad.

      Have a 70-300mm coming as well. It is supposedly clean. Paid 70 bucks for it. LOL Shoe string photographer 🙂

      Overall very pleased with the quality of shots. These pics were post processed basically to correct underexposure. I am liking what can be done with camera raw files.

      Shoot raw!! you’ll get everything including all the flaws!! 🙂



    • #12535

      • Posts 27

      When all else fails…. do it in Greyscale!!

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