5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Paulie68 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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    • #1999

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      Hello everyone,

      This is not a debate vs Ali express, just against some sellers who practice this way. There will always be a diamond in the rough, you just have to roll the dice and do not expect much in the beginning.

      This is no means a knock on those here that have purchased from Ali, or the Bay, just some of the less scrupulous sellers in the same places.

      I instantly spotted this as a scam/overpriced doll. This one is from Ali Express. (Land of confusion usually!)

      I do know there *are* good sellers on there on Ali its really hit or miss, a matter of fact Irontech has a legitimate store there and  that is one of the reasons the “big forum” does not officially blacklist Ali.  You just have to really contact and hold the feet to the fire and then again sometimes that is not even enough.

      Below is the seller’s info on the doll.  Notice it says free Asia-Pacific shipping?  I do not know what this is unless it is free shipping by boat.. <<update per RGC, that means free shipping to the people in Asia, so I would assume this is focused primarily at the Asian market.>> BUT the shipping  (FedEx IP) most reputable doll vendors do is through the roof.  I can only guess at what their “FedEx IP” shipping costs. I have been told it varies day to day in china but I do not see how it can vary that greatly.

      Someone sent this to me trying to tell me what brand of girl they had for a first time doll… This is from a Discord member I met.

      Scam shipping

      Notice that Ali Express does have a Buyer Protection Policy BUT. It only applies to what the product actually “Costs”

      Scammers and dishonest vendors love to inflate the profit into the shipping as most people do not know what the shipping should cost to ship a doll overseas and it “sounds” legit. This also puts it “on price point” with legitimate dolls like WM, YL, Irontech, 6Ye, etc.  So the buyer assumes that most of the “free shipping” a legit vendor does actually IS the $1k plus shipping thus making the off brand doll look even more enticing.

      Now, back to Ali’s protection.  I have studied this before i made my purchase and can say that I came across this and was not fooled because reading the item terms.  Terms are usually if you get a not same as item pictured:

      1. Return the doll ( at your expense $250-500 depending on size and weight and location)
      2. Keep the doll and agree to a partial refund (this only applies to the $546.00 part, shipping is NOT part of protection plan)

      This is what most scammers offer. You get a dangerous, stinky TPE, or complete junk doll for the same price of a quality safe doll.

      Now if you discover what you have is completely wrong, or not at all like the adverted doll, then you are left with the option to spend your money to get your money back or keep it and get up to 1/2 or even all of it back depending on what the seller agrees to. Thinking of getting Ali involved? well, all they will say is… we can only make them agree to refund on the $546 no shipping. SO, there is where you have your loss.

      The seller even refunding the entire $546 will actually KEEP the shipping profits and the actual cost to them could be as little as $100 to produce the doll.

      Ingenious right? Well, a lot of those are sham companies that pop up only for a little while. Once discovered they will go out of business or withdraw for a few months until it blows over, and then will do it again. Wash Rinse Repeat.

      So all in all, and I am prob incorrect but.. a doll with free shipping, or the shipping price rolled into the cost should run about $600-700 USD at the most.  for a 130 cm doll from Ali, being a non-famous brand. the WM equivalent is usually $900-1000 shipped but is of proven good quality and no worries of it being not as advertised.


      In closing just wanted to get this out there so hopefully someone may stumble across it and save a headache.,



    • #2019

      (Mod) Don Keydick
      • Posts 179

      As I have said many times, do the due diligence and research everything about the doll you like and the seller that has it. Usually if something sounds too good to be true it is a scam. Communication with a seller is key, ask all the questions way before putting down any money. Their willingness and promptness in answering speaks volumes on their veracity. There are definitely “diamonds in the rough” to be found, with some searching, and it still can be a crapshoot with quality as I know of several people who have high end dolls and are having problems too quality wise. You just don`t want to be buying  cubic zirconia advertised as diamond at diamond prices LOL.

      "A woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man" Ulysses Everett McGill
      That is why I have Dolls
      "Making DollsBook Great"

    • #2025

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      Exactly, There are some diamonds in the rough like RGC’s seller and the seller you found there Donnie.

      I was pointing at the lower class bad apples, the ones that are looking for newbies to the hobby. They have a lot of tricks they play.

      As also stated a good way to tell if it is a legit seller is look at the years in business, and reviews.

      And I have also researched the WM store on Ali… And they are NOT official WM.  I asked a simple question to one of them(sales reps) and they gave me a nonsensical answer.

      I asked what size are the threads on the head just like Eva’s #31 and I was told 14 mm (not the WM standard of 16 mm) while is was possible that the guy just did not know what I meant, He did claim he checked with the factory and was told 14 mm. Plus they could not provide me with any Factory completed photos of similar models.  Just Larger size of the of the on site glamour shots.  My summation was this guy sits at a desk all day and takes/processes orders.

      I will update the meaning of Asia Pacific Thanks for the explanation RGC.  and thus far yes you and Donnie have had no more problems with yours than I have had with mine.  An admission you will not see anywhere else BTW 😉




    • #2035

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      Ohh no it was not me hehe I could never use that many pairs.. It must have been some other doll maker or something. Perhaps another vendor.

      I would like to have some with huge Irises like the poor girl that got the one stuck in her eye. talk about a hell of a contact lens there… LOL

      Yes also WM does not have an official site as they just manufacture them they are under the umbrella of the Jinsan Company. They make many models, very similar.  I keep telling Kevin, I am going to end up the Ed Gien of dolls because of all the small parts I collect like heads, and eyes and palm plates hee hee

      The Site listed on the “big board” is actually just another vendor and it is known by the management I have heard, nut nothing is ever done about the “manufacturer’s” title because he sells to most all other vendors possibly. Sam’s Extra Cash Cow.  I once PMed them not knowing they were not the OEM, asking a hand question… after 30 days in my outbox i deleted it.



    • #17748

      • Posts 10

      If you want to best Irontech dolls, maybe you can G O to https://www.xosexdoll.com/

      Xosexdoll provides our sex adult dolls with the best quality and safety guarantee to the customers .

    • #17841

      • Posts 4

      I have had mixed experiences importing dolls from China. A vendor on D.H. Gate offered a tpe doll with skeleton and sent me an inflatable with an unsealed vagina insert and hair cut short but long enough for a very small ponytail. I complained to D.H. Gate who stopped the payment and allowed me to keep the doll sent. The vendor lost the cost of the doll and the postage. This doll I’m sure was factory seconds that an enterprising Chinese decided was good for a buck to be made. I have since rectified the vagina insert.

      I ordered and paid for a tpe skeleton doll off Aliexpress and got an inflatable delivered to my door. Aliexpress offered me a full refund if I returned to the doll. The cost of returning the doll via DHL or FedEx was more than the cost price of the doll delivered. Australia Post rates were about one-fifth the cost. I returned the doll at my cost to the vendor which meant they got the doll back but were out of pocket for the postage. Such is the price of principle. This doll also had an unsealed vagina and other quality control problems which would have made it unsaleable on the local market so returning it was the sensible option.

      The ACSMSI brand tpe skeleton doll I purchased off D.H. Gate was delivered without any problems. My Zhenyi brand silicone skeleton doll made it through customs but the employees at the transport company were going to “lose” it. The vendor was very good and sorted the problem out with the freight company in Australia.

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