Register Forums The Red Light District *NSFW* Is she or isn't she…?

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Tracie Marie 5 years, 8 months ago
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    • #2404

      • Posts 136

      The question of the day:


      Is @daphnetilbrook horny or tired?

      Daphne just laying there… Hair all messy… Her shorts off… Dreaming of that Whataburger, probably…

      I go to check upon her…

      Daphne: “Neither, sweetie! I was just getting comfortable. But I can taste that Whataburger right now…”


    • #2405

      • Posts 93

      Looks like that Xylene is holding up. a good wiping down with baby oil or mineral and dusting of powder and she looks like  she is good to go there!

      She is just relaxing in a very natural state 🙂


    • #2456

      Mrs. Vicki Lawson-Havens DBIN9JYD
      • Posts 13

      Horny… No.

      Tired… meh… No.

      Craving Whataburger? YES!

      And why were my shorts off? Sweaty and itchy ass! I was watching [adult swim] while you were helping @masterdollsbook with this site (and nothing wrong with it… Keep up the good work) and I couldn’t stand it. It was supposed to be temporary!

      If I aroused you… I apologize. At least I got some Whatapecker… But you owe me a Whataburger.

      And in the news (for realsies) some environmental group is trying to petition Whataburger to /dev/null their iconic Styrofoam cups…

      Question… WHY???

      Even though the environmental group is Texas based but the person interviewed sounded like a typical Californian.

      For reals!

    • #2824

      Tracie Marie
      • Posts 21

      This topic is making me hungry. I love the big styro cups, Jack in the Box still has them too (so far) Too bad there is not a Whattaburger anywhere close to where we are. Daphne you are just too cute and I love watching adult swim too “Go Team Venture!” LOL and Rick and Morty is the shit.

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