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7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by (Mayor) Julia Jameson 5 years, 8 months ago
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    • #1439

      • Posts 172

      OK lets first toss around a few names.. For the Role playing forum for dolls

      Perhaps Sunday, I will open a poll and we can all vote.


      This Forum will be where the dolls tell stories, and interact as people to each others and the rest of the community.

      While this is actually social media, and role play can be anywhere. This is where it will be unabridged.

      Please add your ideas for a name on this thread


    • #1440

      • Posts 136

      I have one:

      The TPE Clam

      (Sorry, watching Family Guy and it’s a play on “The Drunken Clam”… but think of the double entendre!)

    • #1444

      • Posts 93

      Real life role? Like a Soap?

      As The Fingers Break?

      Gooseneck grease?

      TPE vs Silicone: Who Gives a Damn, just have fun.

    • #1452

      (Mod) Don Keydick
      • Posts 179

      Julia already mentioned calling it Just for Dolls but my thinking is since it is their world call it Dolls World. So I offer a compromise to keep her happy Dolls World – Just for Dolls. A magical place where all Dolls come alive. IDK something along those lines anyways.

      "A woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man" Ulysses Everett McGill
      That is why I have Dolls
      "Making DollsBook Great"

    • #1467

      • Posts 93

      Julia already mentioned calling it Just for Dolls but my thinking is since it is their world call it Dolls World. So I offer a compromise to keep her happy Dolls World – Just for Dolls. A magical place where all Dolls come alive. IDK something along those lines anyways.

      Dolls Alive.  or is that somewhere else?

      • #1473

        • Posts 172

        Julia already mentioned calling it Just for Dolls but my thinking is since it is their world call it Dolls World. So I offer a compromise to keep her happy Dolls World – Just for Dolls. A magical place where all Dolls come alive. IDK something along those lines anyways.

        Dolls Alive. or is that somewhere else?


        Well, Dolls Alive is already taken..


        I thought of… Dolliverse     It’s a Doll’s World!

        its a shame Dollywood is taken!


    • #1471

      (Mod) Don Keydick
      • Posts 179

      Julia already mentioned calling it Just for Dolls but my thinking is since it is their world call it Dolls World. So I offer a compromise to keep her happy Dolls World – Just for Dolls. A magical place where all Dolls come alive. IDK something along those lines anyways.

      Dolls Alive. or is that somewhere else?

      Very funny RGC, very funny. DB must strive to be unique (and better) than that other place.

      "A woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man" Ulysses Everett McGill
      That is why I have Dolls
      "Making DollsBook Great"

    • #1524

      (Mayor) Julia Jameson
      • Posts 213

      Official name entries for upcoming poll. Listing what we have so far from everyone.

      “Doll`s World”

      “Just For Dolls” like the Just For Men products LOL

      “Dolliverse” or “Dollyverse”

      “It`s A Dolls World”

      I am sure we can come up with more. If RGC would get serious instead of being funny or trying to do a ripoff LOL! Funny is good but “As the Finger Breaks” or “Gooseneck Grease” I mean really.

      And Alexa too, even though we LOVE family guy “The TPE Clam” will not do. LOL

      C`mon guys we need a really good name for the place I am going to be playing in mostly, wait a minute, I think I have another one.

      “Dolls At Play” Welcome to the play zone where dolls can be dolls and play with other dolls. LOL

      Posting this photo just for Alexa. One of my favorite T-shirts.

      "Woman is a miracle of divine contradictions." unknown

      The unofficial Mayor of the Dollyverse always "Making DollsBook Great"

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