Vote for the name of the Role Playing Forum

cast your vote.... top 3

  • Dollyland0%0 votes
  • The City of Dollsville0%0 votes
  • Happy Doll Land0%0 votes
  • Dolls "R" Us25.00%2 votes
  • DollyVerse50.00%4 votes
  • It's A Doll's World!0%0 votes
  • The Chronicles of Dollic0%0 votes
  • DollAdventures25.00%2 votes
  • Sargent Dolly's Lonely Hearts Club Theater0%0 votes

Register Forums Z Archives Vote on the Doll Role playing forum name!

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years, 8 months ago
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  • Author
    • #1889

      • Posts 172

      Get out your pencils, because I’m giving you something to write on!


      Time to vote! Top 3 that gets most votes will have a “Run Off”

      If there is a 3 way tie then hell if we know! I guess we will just use all 3 at once!! (don’t let this happen please!)

      Oh, Rainy and I added a few more choices we thought of 😛


    • #1994

      (Mod) Don Keydick
      • Posts 179

      No rules against campaigning for a favorite is there? Hope not because I voted for Dollyverse and I will tell you why. Alternate universe stuff is hot right now and the Dollyverse is “The Alternate Universe Where Dolls Come Alive” It is a universe totally created for and by the dolls themselves as living entities.  It is becoming a cliche but in the words of Katniss Everdeen “Thank you for your consideration”

      "A woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man" Ulysses Everett McGill
      That is why I have Dolls
      "Making DollsBook Great"

    • #1995

      (Mayor) Julia Jameson
      • Posts 213

      Donny talked me into it, Dollyverse it is. I can`t wait to talk with the other dolls.

      "Woman is a miracle of divine contradictions." unknown

      The unofficial Mayor of the Dollyverse always "Making DollsBook Great"

    • #1996

      • Posts 172

      Nope no politicking rules here!! campaign away!

      we want a very active interest in this place!


    • #2340

      • Posts 172

      Looks like we will go with DollyVerse as It had 4 votes and if we re-vote it will be kinda pointless as it will all be the same result. Perhaps we can use the other names as sub forums!

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