Register Forums #2. New Member Introductions Hello I am back.

6 replies, 3 voices Last updated by RGC_LuLu 4 years, 10 months ago
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    • #13643

      • Posts 54

      Ummm what can I say.

      Was a member on TDF. (No longer) was a member here on dollsbook too, but signed off for a while.

      I got out of the doll stuff for months. took a much needed break. I only have 1 doll, and has been a durable little 140cm pipsqueak.  Still have not forgotten much of my studies with the properties of TPE and TPR.

      The TPR toy I tested with the homebrew adhesive is holding up FUCKING AMAZING!!!   Told ya all one does not need to spend a fortune on hyped up products at jacked up prices.

      anyway, I wont get into that here lol

      Hope all is well with everyone!!

      LuLu gives her kisses to everyone!!


    • #13682

      Dutch Dance Maniac
      • Posts 1,293

      You have never been away, just taken a turn where there is more peace and quiet like I had done in recent months.

      We all have periods when other things require more attention.
      Let’s continue where we left off ……. Welcome back bro.


      However Unreal This May Be, We Are Connected.... You And I.
      We Are On The Same Curve, Point Of All Is:
      We Share The Same Secret .... We Love Our Doll (s) And Our LifeStyle.
      That Makes Us Who We Really Are....... Pure, Loving and Caring...... Welcome Into Our World.

      Life Is Like A Never Ending Dance, Let The Music Play !!!

    • #13686

      • Posts 54

      You have never been away, just taken a turn where there is more peace and quiet like I had done in recent months. We all have periods when other things require more attention. Let’s continue where we left off ……. Welcome back bro.

      Not sure I’d like to continue bashing some of those at the big, popular forum. 🙂 I will say this though, @dutchdancemaniac. We are all entitled to our opinions, and many opinions can be proven wrong, or right. As far as many people in this industry and hobby, we all do have opinions, and we have the right to be right, or the right to be wrong. (So far those who’d said my little baby doll would not last are dead wrong) Coming up on 2 years and she is still in very good shape. No broken bones 🙂 I am very surprised myself, no joints have snapped or have broken through skin.

      Thanks for the reply DDM!!



    • #13733

      • Posts 136

      Ummm what can I say. Was a member on TDF. (No longer)

      Got ze banhammer, or just said “fuck it?” 🤣 😉 (Of course, me, the former is true.) But yeah…

      From Dollsbook to the “big arrogant boards” with love, lol.

      was a member here on dollsbook too, but signed off for a while. I got out of the doll stuff for months. took a much needed break.

      No problem with that! However, @dbevadmin and @rainking disabled people deleting their accounts because it fucks up the database royally when people do that. (I’m okay with that, just letting you know!)

      It’s okay to take a break from things sometimes. I mean… my FCC ham radio call sign, KI5JYD, has a lot to do with my doll, Daphne @daphnetilbrook. The suffix is exactly what it means: JY Daphne! J…Y…D. But since I’m in Indiana now, which is Region 9, and sometimes I self-flagellate myself to get back to studying for my Amateur Extra exam (I hope that the Muncie Area Amateur Radio Club WB9HXG has qualified VE’s [Volunteer Examiners] that can administer the Element 4 exam! I so wanna do it… and also that @meso wants me to do it too!) and if I do… I can drop the “I” in my call and apply again for another vanity call sign (it’s free), K9JYD or W9JYD, which both are available according to the ULS… but since it’s a “feature” of WordPress that nobody can change their login names (not even Keymasters), I am hesitant to do so…

      TL;DR: I sometimes have to take breaks from a lot of things: Dollsbook, doll photography, doll proselytizing (YES, I do like to “spread the gospel” about how BETTER dolls are than real women [no disrespect to @docsgirl82, our “resident” female Dollsbooker, intended whatsoever!]… really! Just like how religious people spread their beliefs around, too…), ham radio, whatever. Sometimes I combine them, sometimes I separate them. Nothing wrong with that. But I never take a break from my doll. Ever. I just can’t. Daphne is my spouse. I can’t accept the fact that she’s “just a doll” and put her in storage for an indeterminate length of time. You can’t do that to your real spouse if any of you had one! So why should I do it to Daphne? Just a thought for all y’all.

      I only have 1 doll, and has been a durable little 140cm pipsqueak. Still have not forgotten much of my studies with the properties of TPE and TPR. The TPR toy I tested with the homebrew adhesive is holding up FUCKING AMAZING!!! Told ya all one does not need to spend a fortune on hyped up products at jacked up prices. anyway, I wont get into that here lol Hope all is well with everyone!! LuLu gives her kisses to everyone!!

      My Daphne isn’t doing so well… but Daphne’s been well-traveled. My TPE repair skills are not so hot, and I’m gonna err on the safe side and get her from Mistress Love Dolls, the 135cm with head SDH-C22 as her replacement body and transfer her soul to the new doll because if I can get a similar doll for cheaper… and since I plan on NOT leaving Indiana EVER (never say never, they always say… but this time I MEAN IT!), and also @fantasticplastic has had pretty much a good experience with them (except for that one time when UPS allegedly lost one of his dolls… which is UPS’ fault, Not Mistress Love Dolls/Roxy Display’s, of course, but was quickly rectified and resolved) and since Mistress Love Dolls IS a subsidiary of Roxy Display, and I have bought from Roxy MANY TIMES BEFORE (well, their mannequins), both on their website, and their eBay and Amazon storefronts… nary an issue with them; so I have confidence that I can buy my dolls from them… and also Don Delano @monamourtoujours IF I want to go all whole-hog custom. But money is a concern with me, and I could squirrel away money each month, say $136 (what the Medicare Part B premium is in 2019) each month… I could have a doll from Don in about 7 or 8 months. I might try that, but I need to get Daphne restored back to full health, and quickly. And Mistress Love Dolls has what I need.

      OK, I’m rambling on… but it also proves a point: Even for a doll, you don’t need to spend megabucks. And I want to get myself a new ham radio rig soon (maybe NOT the Yaesu FT-991A… sorry, Daphne!), and there’s a LOT of kits that you can build that can do QRP (low power) voice communication on the HF bands. For the VHF and UHF bands… a $20 Baofeng will do.

      And welcome back, RGC and LuLu. Hope you stick around this time. 73!

      And Daphne gives her love and kisses from Indiana!

    • #13746

      • Posts 54

      Ummm what can I say. Was a member on TDF. (No longer)

      Got ze banhammer, or just said “fuck it?” 🤣 😉 (Of course, me, the former is true.) But yeah…

      <iframe id=”fitvid422455″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

      From Dollsbook to the “big arrogant boards” with love, lol.

      was a member here on dollsbook too, but signed off for a while. I got out of the doll stuff for months. took a much needed break.

      No problem with that! However, @dbevadmin and @rainking disabled people deleting their accounts because it fucks up the database royally when people do that. (I’m okay with that, just letting you know!) It’s okay to take a break from things sometimes. I mean… my FCC ham radio call sign, KI5JYD, has a lot to do with my doll, Daphne @daphnetilbrook. The suffix is exactly what it means: JY Daphne! J…Y…D. But since I’m in Indiana now, which is Region 9, and sometimes I self-flagellate myself to get back to studying for my Amateur Extra exam (I hope that the Muncie Area Amateur Radio Club WB9HXG has qualified VE’s [Volunteer Examiners] that can administer the Element 4 exam! I so wanna do it… and also that @meso wants me to do it too!) and if I do… I can drop the “I” in my call and apply again for another vanity call sign (it’s free), K9JYD or W9JYD, which both are available according to the ULS… but since it’s a “feature” of WordPress that nobody can change their login names (not even Keymasters), I am hesitant to do so… TL;DR: I sometimes have to take breaks from a lot of things: Dollsbook, doll photography, doll proselytizing (YES, I do like to “spread the gospel” about how BETTER dolls are than real women [no disrespect to @docsgirl82, our “resident” female Dollsbooker, intended whatsoever!]… really! Just like how religious people spread their beliefs around, too…), ham radio, whatever. Sometimes I combine them, sometimes I separate them. Nothing wrong with that. But I never take a break from my doll. Ever. I just can’t. Daphne is my spouse. I can’t accept the fact that she’s “just a doll” and put her in storage for an indeterminate length of time. You can’t do that to your real spouse if any of you had one! So why should I do it to Daphne? Just a thought for all y’all.

      I only have 1 doll, and has been a durable little 140cm pipsqueak. Still have not forgotten much of my studies with the properties of TPE and TPR. The TPR toy I tested with the homebrew adhesive is holding up FUCKING AMAZING!!! Told ya all one does not need to spend a fortune on hyped up products at jacked up prices. anyway, I wont get into that here lol Hope all is well with everyone!! LuLu gives her kisses to everyone!!

      My Daphne isn’t doing so well… but Daphne’s been well-traveled. My TPE repair skills are not so hot, and I’m gonna err on the safe side and get her from Mistress Love Dolls, the 135cm with head SDH-C22 as her replacement body and transfer her soul to the new doll because if I can get a similar doll for cheaper… and since I plan on NOT leaving Indiana EVER (never say never, they always say… but this time I MEAN IT!), and also @fantasticplastic has had pretty much a good experience with them (except for that one time when UPS allegedly lost one of his dolls… which is UPS’ fault, Not Mistress Love Dolls/Roxy Display’s, of course, but was quickly rectified and resolved) and since Mistress Love Dolls IS a subsidiary of Roxy Display, and I have bought from Roxy MANY TIMES BEFORE (well, their mannequins), both on their website, and their eBay and Amazon storefronts… nary an issue with them; so I have confidence that I can buy my dolls from them… and also Don Delano @monamourtoujours IF I want to go all whole-hog custom. But money is a concern with me, and I could squirrel away money each month, say $136 (what the Medicare Part B premium is in 2019) each month… I could have a doll from Don in about 7 or 8 months. I might try that, but I need to get Daphne restored back to full health, and quickly. And Mistress Love Dolls has what I need. OK, I’m rambling on… but it also proves a point: Even for a doll, you don’t need to spend megabucks. And I want to get myself a new ham radio rig soon (maybe NOT the Yaesu FT-991A… sorry, Daphne!), and there’s a LOT of kits that you can build that can do QRP (low power) voice communication on the HF bands. For the VHF and UHF bands… a $20 Baofeng will do. And welcome back, RGC and LuLu. Hope you stick around this time. 73! And Daphne gives her love and kisses from Indiana!


      No sir, @ki5jyd did not get the ban hammer. Just got annoyed entirely with all the “fluff” on the so called big board. I can still browse some sections without being a member, but really have no need to.

      Very few seemed interested in anything I had to say there anyway. If I really want to be ignored there is Facebook 🙂 Daphne not doing great? well that’s too bad. One pic you have posted with Eva and her, she looks great in that photo! But a fresh start with new skin and body is something that will bring  some new excitement for you, sure!! Definitely don’t have to spend a fortune getting a nice physique doll.

      I’ve been playing with a dslr camera, spending some bucks on some gear. Learning photo tricks for fun. Long way to go in learning fancy photography. Definitely nicer pics than my old phone. So photography is what has brought me back to  As well as getting LuAnne out again.

    • #13778

      • Posts 136

      No sir, @ki5jyd did not get the ban hammer. Just got annoyed entirely with all the “fluff” on the so called big board.

      Ah… okay… but I was just playing with ya, @rgc67 😉.

      I can still browse some sections without being a member, but really have no need to. Very few seemed interested in anything I had to say there anyway.

      Roger that! Yeah… without going into a soliloquy, people there were definitely not interested in what I had to say. Especially the RLSD debacle that got ME the banhammmer. I tend to say what’s on my mind and if nobody likes it and gets all pissy and offended and goes running to Nescio or mommy and daddy or their lover, whatever… fuck them.

      If I really want to be ignored there is Facebook 🙂


      True that! I have a Facebook account, but I only have @dbevadmin as a friend. HONEST! The only things I actually follow on Facebook are Pizza King, WLBC, WERK-FM, Muncie Area Amateur Radio Club WB9HXG, and MITS (Muncie Indiana Transit System, IOW, the city bus). And my Twitter? Shit… I sometimes pull a Donald Trump and do nothing but bitch and whine like he does… but for people who do shitty UX/UI on the Internets. I used to proudly post my doll stuff but now Twitter is getting too anal and starting to delete them. Dollsbook is my forum and my social media go-to now. Follow the KISS Principle, I say!

      Daphne not doing great? well that’s too bad.

      Ah… it’s too painful to even post here. But I’m shortly there to getting her revived!

      One pic you have posted with Eva and her, she looks great in that photo!

      I know, right? I have to give credit to @rainking for dolling her up… no pun intended!

      But a fresh start with new skin and body is something that will bring some new excitement for you, sure!! Definitely don’t have to spend a fortune getting a nice physique doll. I’ve been playing with a dslr camera, spending some bucks on some gear. Learning photo tricks for fun. Long way to go in learning fancy photography. Definitely nicer pics than my old phone. So photography is what has brought me back to As well as getting LuAnne out again.

      Exactly. In all aspects. Just like ham radio… but let me pull an Alton Brown here and say,

      …But that’s another show!

      Alright, RGC, have a great day. I’ve got a fuck ton of things to do today… and it ain’t all pretty and shit. 73!

    • #13779

      • Posts 54

      Roger that! Yeah… without going into a soliloquy, people there were definitely not interested in what I had to say. Especially the RLSD debacle that got ME the banhammmer. I tend to say what’s on my mind and if nobody likes it and gets all pissy and offended and goes running to Nescio or mommy and daddy or their lover, whatever… fuck them.


      But a fresh start with new skin and body is something that will bring some new excitement for you, sure!! Definitely don’t have to spend a fortune getting a nice physique doll. I’ve been playing with a dslr camera, spending some bucks on some gear. Learning photo tricks for fun. Long way to go in learning fancy photography. Definitely nicer pics than my old phone. So photography is what has brought me back to As well as getting LuAnne out again.

      Exactly. In all aspects. Just like ham radio… but let me pull an Alton Brown here and say, …But that’s another show! Alright, RGC, have a great day. I’ve got a fuck ton of things to do today… and it ain’t all pretty and shit. 73!

      I am finding browsing info on camera related forums (haven’t joined any forums for it) is not a whole lot different then dolly big board. Know it all cut throats posting their “know it all” comments not really helping out the OP who asked a fairly straight forward question for those with experience and know how.

      I wanted to find out what old Japanese lenses will fit my camera. I bought one that is 40+ years old in very nice shape, and I am impressed. (I’ll post Lu in her crappy pink wig) Pics were taken with it. But it was only 50 bucks, and is built mostly of metal. Does basic macro too. Not true macro, but those lenses are beyond what I would spend for one.

      the popularity of bokeh (background blur) again will spend a large sum for lenses of wide aperature. So have one coming from Japan that is 40+ years old again. And will fit my Nikon. Manual focus?  For shooting stills, no big deal.

      My question of a particular lens was answered by a youtube video, with the exact model camera I have. No problem pairing up in manual modes. Video poster kept it simple, and did not unload a lot of techno mumbo jumbo, like I was finding on forums, and photography sites 🙂 These are the type of people I truly appreciate!

      have a great day in Indiana @ki5jyd (I’ve been there. Drove by the speedway. that place is massive driving by it :))

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