Register Forums Announcements (dollsbook Crier) The Trade War Comes to dolls.


16 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Xosexdoll 1 year, 8 months ago
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    • #13458

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      Ladies and Gentledolls,  We have some not so good news up coming.

      I learned this today, and want to pass it on.


      Dear Members

      Trade war between the United States and China are turning sour with no signs of improvements.

      Furthermore, additional retaliations measures were announced yesterday by Donald Trump, and could, as soon as of December-January 2019-2020, include sex dolls.

      Sex dolls have so far been exempt of any additional taxation, but given the uncertainty of the outcome, this might change by the end of the year.

      We therefore and per precaution, recommend all US customers getting ready to make a purchase to do so prior to December 2019 to avoid any additional potential taxation

      We do not have further information yet on how these taxes could potentially come into effect, nor at which percentage but will keep you informed on our twitter page.

      As of now everything is still possible, and all Fine Love Dolls team wishes both parties will come to an arrangement, putting an end to this ongoing commercial conflict.

      This was sent to me by Fine Love Dolls, A China based vendor and a member of our group here.


      Personally I was worried about that for a while now, and its being confirmed somewhat for now. Advanced notice at this point.


    • #13535

      • Posts 136

      I got the same email, too. I just need to follow @finelovedolls on Twitter (if I haven’t already, I haven’t logged into Twitter in almost forever…) so I can see what might be increasing a doll’s price soon. Does Don Delano @MonAmourToujours also know about this tariff increase?

      It would be great if all vendors and manufacturers chime in on this so that Dollsbook has an equal voice on this matter.

      Therefore I invite all manufacturers and vendors who have accounts here on Dollsbook to put in their two cents on this critical and possibly controversial matter.


    • #13536

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      I am sure the suppliers are notifying all the vendors.

      Then again, it may all be over by then… who knows about the trade war.

    • #13544

      Don Delano- Mon Amour Toujours
      • Posts 42

      Who sent out that email? I don’t see how the “trade war” would effect the price of any AFMs coming out of China. The products most effected are clothing, electronics and medical supplies. That email seems like some sort of scare tactic to get people to buy now rather than later. IMHO, nothing to be concerned about.

    • #13569

      Dutch Dance Maniac
      • Posts 1,293

      I see the prices of most brands in recent times just rising but let that trade war come ……. everything costs way too expensive in this time of mass production. (Atleast in my country)

      I have already 4 dolls now, more then happy with them so buying a 5th doll……… Mmm not directly but who knows what next year will bring.

      However Unreal This May Be, We Are Connected.... You And I.
      We Are On The Same Curve, Point Of All Is:
      We Share The Same Secret .... We Love Our Doll (s) And Our LifeStyle.
      That Makes Us Who We Really Are....... Pure, Loving and Caring...... Welcome Into Our World.

      Life Is Like A Never Ending Dance, Let The Music Play !!!

    • #13573

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      true that!! everything is getting expensive these days!


    • #13655

      • Posts 54

      You’d think as production of many items becomes “perfected” prices would stabilize. and not really increase drastically.

      I’ve been getting heavier into dslr photography, and the price of products for cameras is insane for plastic crap.

      Bought myself a vintage Japanese lens this week, and the quality is beautiful and does mount to my camera body.  Since I’ve had my dslr, I’ve shot in nothing but manual modes.  And this lens is mostly a manual lens. Got it for macro close ups, and it does not disappoint so far 🙂

      I’ve not followed the prices for dolls, but the smaller sized dolls should be dropping as the big or more realistic girls take the place of older models. no?

      When it comes to money, it is the one thing that defies laws of gravity. What goes up must come down. 🙂


      • #17624

        • Posts 10

        Xosexdoll price is fair, you are welcome to come in and have a look

        Xosexdoll provides our sex adult dolls with the best quality and safety guarantee to the customers .

    • #13660

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      I too have noticed the dolls are getting taller 160cm, 166, 170s those used to be “premiums” and most would go for the 140-155-157cms when i was looking.

      My dad brought a 35mm yashica camera back from ‘Nam when he came home I think he got it in Australia or somewhere. It took great pics, but used a rare battery. I have no idea what happened to it. it was a regular “SLR” all mechanical Japanese i think.

    • #13665

      • Posts 54

      I too have noticed the dolls are getting taller 160cm, 166, 170s those used to be “premiums” and most would go for the 140-155-157cms when i was looking. My dad brought a 35mm yashica camera back from ‘Nam when he came home I think he got it in Australia or somewhere. It took great pics, but used a rare battery. I have no idea what happened to it. it was a regular “SLR” all mechanical Japanese i think.

      Ease of use for many owners would still opt to get a more managable size. The dead weight of these big ladies cause many to post ’em for sale 🙂 100+ pounds does not seem like much, but for playing with ’em it can get awkward. LuLu is just for show, not play, she’s pint size and I break enough sweat just moving her around and dressing her LOL

    • #13730

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      Yeah, Eva is the heaviest.. but Ezzie and Jas are completely easy to handle.  There is one fellow that had a custom made one that is about 130LBSs WOW hard to handle.

    • #13732

      • Posts 54

      Yeah, Eva is the heaviest.. but Ezzie and Jas are completely easy to handle. There is one fellow that had a custom made one that is about 130LBSs WOW hard to handle.

      When I bought Lu, In Canada there is a VAT (Value Added Tax) That I had paid. The total increase in cost was approx. 20% of original value. (Duties, Taxes)

      With the latest in the news of the General Motors strike in US, do they not think it will effect the consumer down the road.??? Already a GM plant in Oshawa here in Ontario, Canada has laid off 1200 people, and it’s only in day 4 of strike. 🙂

      They’ve not learned the lessons from the past. There is a city 20 minutes from me. St. Catharines, Ontario. It was a booming town for General Motors. GM does not exist much there anymore.

      Examples like these how can we compete in the world market? Other countries will not want to do business with North America, if workers become excessively greedy driving the prices up of goods manufactured. I support sellers online in Canada when I can, but if I can get a deal from China for basically the same product at 25 to 50% less and they are using Amazon’s distribution network? 🙂

      Those people who once decided it is better to pull up stakes, and move operations off-shore, we are starting to see the repercussions of that now.

      The little guy usually does pay for some dumb greedy cats and their decisions. 🙂


    • #13741

      Fine Love Dolls
      • Posts 1

      Hi all, update to this thread, TPE Dolls are not impacted by the tradewar and new wave of tarifications and will not be

      Best regards

      Fine Love Dolls ® • Ultra Realistic TPE Dolls • Browse among more than 600 gorgeous models or create your own 100% custom from head to toe! •

    • #13758

      RainKing – ADM
      • Posts 104

      Good deal there FLD. and yes @rgc76  I agree its a product of greed.

      I am not an economist but i firmly think that if you employ more domestic workers there will be more money in the economy flowing and everyone benefits.

      But the new cool college kids of the 80’s and 90’s thinks its all only for them. Lets outsource the work to another country in which we do not have to pay a decent wage to, and not pay benefits to. and then dump then on N.A.

      The Crown Vic type car was made in St Thomas. It’s gone. Not sure if Ford still has a plant there or not.

      The shitty part of this “trade war” is that they are taxing shit they don’t even make in the US or Canada because US companies decided to go to China cos its cheaper. I think there is only 1 line of TVs still made in the US.

      So, it’s $300 for a nice TV or $1000 for a US made one.. what would you pick?  me? $300 because its what I can afford.

      The citizens are the ones hurt in a trade war, not the other countries. Period. We suffer by paying higher prices to a corrupt government that will spend it of bullshit.

    • #13780

      • Posts 54

      Good deal there FLD. and yes @rgc76 I agree its a product of greed. I am not an economist but i firmly think that if you employ more domestic workers there will be more money in the economy flowing and everyone benefits. But the new cool college kids of the 80’s and 90’s thinks its all only for them. Lets outsource the work to another country in which we do not have to pay a decent wage to, and not pay benefits to. and then dump then on N.A. The Crown Vic type car was made in St Thomas. It’s gone. Not sure if Ford still has a plant there or not. The shitty part of this “trade war” is that they are taxing shit they don’t even make in the US or Canada because US companies decided to go to China cos its cheaper. I think there is only 1 line of TVs still made in the US. So, it’s $300 for a nice TV or $1000 for a US made one.. what would you pick? me? $300 because its what I can afford. The citizens are the ones hurt in a trade war, not the other countries. Period. We suffer by paying higher prices to a corrupt government that will spend it of bullshit.

      Even the Japanese products made in China. It’s funny seeing that on a label. Have another camera lens coming from the early 70’s Japanese made. The Nikon flashes I bought are made in Japan. The new ones all made in China. Even disassembling them, can see the quality difference. Can still get parts for them, but quite hard to find. If they are genuine Nikon, pay a big buck for a bit of metal and plastic. The one flash is missing the pull out diffuser card. Could not find those parts. But the flash zoom feature will not work without that plastic. I found this out when I stuffed a piece of cardboard in it. There is a switch, that detects when the diffuser is pulled out/put back in. So I bought a dead one. (Possibly it may work) Seller stated the battery contacts are corroded. May be all that is wrong with it. But cheaper to buy a whole other unit than just a few parts. Got everything with it that comes with it when new too.

      I do not how it works for you guys in the US @rainking, but here, many stores and sellers online, are charging tax for used items. A used car we pay the book value tax on it, when licensing. Depending on how often these items change hands, taxes paid multiple times on goods. Not just when new lol.

      It’s too bad we traded our pride in goods we manufacture for cheaply made goods, that just end up in the dumpster. The lack of any real longevity. It’s why I am liking some of these old Japanese camera lenses. They are backward compatible with many Nikon dslr cameras.  Get ’em fairly cheap too.  Built like tanks 🙂 Plus, learn photography more by manual modes. Then just letting the camera do it all lol

    • #13791

      • Posts 4

      If you check on netflix ‘american factory’, you’l see that the chinese workers are ‘almost’ slave. In the 90’s , some peoples where fighting against globalization (economy and jobs) , now we get the consequence of the decision our past leaders made. We now very much depend on china. I’m glad the trade war dont affect dolls…Personally I see some brand lowering there dolls price, but it could be only me looking always on the same 2-3 dolls. For doll weight, I would never go above 100lbs, Marianne with her 75lbs ish, is heavy enough for me 😛 I think the peoples that buy thick dolls dont know how heavy they are, but its a matter of taste. I’m glad I always loved petite women 😀

    • #13794

      • Posts 54

      If you check on netflix ‘american factory’, you’l see that the chinese workers are ‘almost’ slave. In the 90’s , some peoples where fighting against globalization (economy and jobs) , now we get the consequence of the decision our past leaders made. We now very much depend on china. I’m glad the trade war dont affect dolls…Personally I see some brand lowering there dolls price, but it could be only me looking always on the same 2-3 dolls. For doll weight, I would never go above 100lbs, Marianne with her 75lbs ish, is heavy enough for me 😛 I think the peoples that buy thick dolls dont know how heavy they are, but its a matter of taste. I’m glad I always loved petite women 😀

      Have spoken with many Chinese over the years. The “slave” may be just North American propoganda about their lives over there. Being still somewhat communist, many may believe they may have very few rights.  The Chinese are very proud people. They just may have more celebration holidays than we do.

      We definitely cannot compete with their manufacturing costs. To make a doll here in North America, just take a look at the prices of a Real Doll. 🙂 Silicone trucked in by the barrel, pour the mold. It’s mostly the artists, mold makers, designers that want to make the big bucks. Those ladies we see doing makeup in the JY factory, do not make a whole lot of money, and have a lot of heads to paint, so they do so quickly. 🙂

      Maybe what is slave is when a worker from a garment factory overseas comes here to Walmart, and sees the price they are charging for something that worker made. That person may feel like a slave. 🙁

      Happy Capitalism! 🙂

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